Tucuman: the export of blueberries begins

On the opening flight, 50 tons of fresh fruits were transported, out of which around 80% is originated in the Tucuman fields.

“The direct flight, which will be made from our province to Miami (United States) will carry the fruit from Tucumán and Salta” stated Fernando Martorell, International Trade coordinator of the  IDEP. New flights are expected for the weekend.

The public-private coordination regarding the exports of blueberries has been fruitful  in the province, since the logistics operation, which is key at the moment of preserving and shipping the fruit, has been benefited by the installation of a cold chamber at the Benjamín Matienzo airport, which enables to make a greater number of flights in the shortest time possible, and to stockpile 150 tons of fruit. Thanks to this, in the 2014 campaign, a total of 150,000 tons per day were shipped.

The blueberries exports started in 2007, when three flights carried a total of 120 tons, which also opened a process that has never stopped growing ever since. In 2008, 15 flights with 600 tons were made; in 2009, 22 flights with 773 tons. In 2010, 31 flights were made with  1,478 tons of fruit. In 2011, 59 with 2,705 tons. In 2012, 71 flights carried 3,021 tons. In 2013, over 75 flights. The record per tons in the shortest time was in 2014, when over 4000 tons were sent in 62 flights.