Argentinean Blueberry Committee intensifies promotion of this superfruit


Blueberry producers will take part in “The night of the Museums”

Producers of the Argentinean Blueberry Committee (ABC) announced today the relaunching of the promotion campaign, which coincides with its month of highest production. “We are still working on the broadcasting of this superfruit which, due to its functionality, can adapt to the current consumption needs and, as well, provides several benefits to the health”, stated Federico Bayá, President of ABC.

After the actions held to celebrate the “Blueberry week”, ABC informed their participation in “The night of the Museums”, through the programme “More Fruits and Vegetables” carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, a day which will include tastings, games and activities for children and adolescents.

Producers of ABC, in connection with the local consumption promotion campaign, will also take part in “Aliment.Ar”, the Latin-American food and tendencies exhibition, to be held in Buenos Aires from November 8th through November 10th.

Furthermore, the promotion activities continue all over the country, especially in the provinces with production zones, such as Tucumán, Entre Ríos and Corrientes, through the local institutions like APRATUC and APAMA respectively. “Our goal is to reach the whole country with our campaign. That is why the Committee is working jointly with the regional institutions in order to make this fruit available for more Argentine consumers”, commented Jorge Pazos, leader of the ABC´s domestic market commission.

Besides, as regards the external market, ABC reinforced its presence in international exhibitions such as the Produce Marketing Association – PMA (New Orleans, United States of America), and the Fruit Attraction (Madrid, Spain), specially by highlighting the taste of the Argentinean Blues through the campaign “Taste the Difference”, the international version of the hashtag #MejorConArandanos. Tastings during the Summits were very well appreciated by participants who valued the sweetened flavor of the fruit.

“We are very glad since the actions carried out during the “Blueberry week” had a very positive result among people”, indicated Bayá. And he concluded: “We believe young people can find the blueberry to be a healthy snack to be included in their active lives”

Join the campaign #MejorConArandanos and #TasteTheDifference. You will find information regarding recipes, tips and healthy advice in our sites, and soon at

Characteristics of the blueberry

Low fat:.It has only 80 calories and practically 0 fat.

Antioxidants: Its phytonutrients contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help the processes of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and premature aging.

Magnesium: Very important for the development of the bones and to transform proteins, carbohydrates and fat in energy.

Great amount of fiber: An ideal quantity in order to help the organism perform its cardiovascular and digestive labors. It helps reduce bad cholesterol.

Vitamine C: It covers 35% of the daily dosis required and which represents one of the most important protections for our body, and which is not renewed by itself.