Associated Efforts Bear Fruit

U.S. Recognizes the Social Approach of Argentine Blueberries and Removes Them from the Child Labor List**
U.S. Recognizes the Social Approach of Argentine Blueberries and Removes Them from the Child Labor List**
Jorge Pazos, president of the Argentine Blueberry Committee, explains how shippers are making the most of the fall in Peruvian and Chilean production this season.
by Maura Maxwell – @maurafruitnet
Teniente Berdina becomes the fifth Child Care Center in a large family of services to the community that the blueberry sector, together with an increasing number of institutions, is promoting for the benefit of rural workers and their families and with the aim of preventing and eradicating child labor in agricultural production in the province of Tucumán and promoting education. Currently, in addition to the 5 CCCs, we also have 2 Youth Spot Centers for children between 10 and 17 years of age.
This new Child Care Center officially opened on November 16th.
Participaron organizaciones de todo el país que conforman la Red de Empresas contra el Trabajo Infantil de la CONAETI, exponiendo sus experiencias.